One of our main priorities in KS1 is to build on the early reading skills which the children have acquired during their time in the Early Years, with the intention of fostering a love of reading from an early age.
We ensure that our pupils in KS1 are taught a broad-based curriculum, which recognizes the importance of the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. The combination of form teaching, with appropriate subject specialist teaching, such as ICT, Games and Music, ensures the pupils are engaged and keen to learn new skills. Teaching and learning is further extended by interesting educational visits, such as the Year 2 Victorian Day where the children dress up as Victorians and experience what life would have been like as a servant in Victorian times.
The children also build upon their introduction to drama, music and art. Throughout the year, each class presents a form assembly to their parents and to the school but one of the main highlights of the academic year has to be the Pre Prep Nativity. The Nativity involves every child from three to seven years of age and it has to be said… there is not a dry eye in the house at each performance!
At the end of Year 2, the children are fully prepared to sit the National Curriculum Assessments and the results are always of a pleasing standard.
As the children progress through Key Stage 1, they are involved in many hands on experiences in a safe and secure environment, so providing each individual child with the skills to help them to become more independent thinkers and learners in preparation for their journey into Key Stage 2.
Transition at The Froebelian School
Transition is our Year 1 Class for children aged 5-6 – Key Stage 1
The main focus of this phase is to ensure a stimulating and caring environment, which allows excellent growth and development between the Early Years and Key Stage 2.
Literacy in Transition builds on the areas covered in Kindergarten including reading, writing and understanding of stories, instructions and poetry as well as ongoing handwriting, comprehension, spellings and grammar skills. Numeracy develops skills with number, place value, addition and subtraction, including money, length, time, shape, data handling, weight and capacity.
The curriculum is then enriched through specialised science, ICT, DT, Geography, History, Art, Music, PSHE and PE Lessons.
The best things about Froebelian, by our children in Transition:
“I like taking Barnaby (the bear) home because you take him home and take him to fairs or the cinema.”
“My favourite thing about Froebelian is the teaching. I look forward to RE, maths and art. I like RE the most because I like learning about different religions to Christian.”
“I like the clubs. I like crafty fingers because it is fun and make things.”
“I like computer club and spellings. I like games on the computers and I like getting a badge if I get all my spellings right.”
“I like open doors because it is fun and like playing games.”
“I like puddings. My favourite is chocolate brownie.”
“I like open doors and drama because it is awesome.”