The Froebelian Parent Teacher Association (FPTA) is a hard working team of parent volunteers who arrange social and fundraising events for parents, friends, pupils and staff of the school.

The FPTA is led by a committee of 15 volunteer parents with other members of the school community providing active support. Volunteers are always welcome and our main aims are to support the school and have fun! To register on the website visit FPTA website

Upcoming events:

FPTA Summer Fair Friday 14 June 2024 3.30pm – 6pm

FPTA Bag2School collection – 19th June.

Remember you can help raise money effortlessly all year round with Amazon Smile – Click here for more details about Effortless Fundraising 

Aims and Objectives of the Froebelian Parent Teacher Association

  • To arrange social events for parents, friends, pupils and staff of Froebelian, both profit and non-profit making.
  • To fund raise for specific projects for the benefit of the children.
  • To provide the classes with additional funding to ensure that children can enjoy ‘extras’ during the school year, e.g. school trips, luxury art materials.
  • To act as a sounding board for school initiatives.
  • To act as a link to the Headteacher for views, initiatives and communication.
  • To form sub-committees to arrange and manage all aspects of FPTA run events.
  • Have fun and socialise with other Froebelian parents.

Come and join them…

The Froebelian Parent Teacher Association is always looking for new members to join the committee. The committee meets on average a couple of times each term to organise both profitable and non-profitable events for pupils, parents, staff and friends. If you have time to spare, ideas to share or fabulous organisational skills then they want to hear from you! Your role can be as large or small as you wish but all help in whatever capacity is more than welcome.

The Froebelian PTA is registered with Amazon Smile. Follow the link above for every purchase you make on Amazon and 0.5% of the net purchase price will be donated to the FPTA charity (reg. 513825).

Thank you for your support.

The Committee

Headteacher – Anna Coulson

Chair – Hailey Clare

Vice Chair – To be announced

Treasurer – To be announced

Vice Treasurer –To be announced

Secretary -To be announced

Vice Secretary –To be announced


Class Representatives

LKG – To be announced

KG -To be announced

Tran –To be announced

Rem -To be announced

FI –To be announced

FII –To be announced

FIII –To be announced

FIV –To be announced


FPTA Members

For general enquiries, email