Love, Fairness, Respect, Honesty

Froebelian celebrates uniqueness and is committed to laying solid foundations for a lifelong love of learning, to gain knowledge and skills and develop personal attributes, relevant to each and every child’s future – ‘Giving a flying start to the citizens of tomorrow’.
We aim to provide a safe, caring, supportive and structured learning environment with a uniquely happy atmosphere, ensuring each and every child enjoys a positive experience, in a warm, safe, friendly, caring, structured and secure environment where they are known as individuals and supported at each step of their journey through the school.
Froebelian offers a broad and varied experience where our pupils can flourish. Pupils are encouraged to step outside their comfort zone and take risks in a safe and supportive environment whilst nurturing good relationships throughout the whole Froebelian Family and beyond.
The whole Froebelian Family is passionate about empowering children with the necessary resilience, skills and confidence to confidently embrace the next phase of their learning journey.

Form Groups
Each pupil belongs to a small mixed form group, run by a class teacher and at least one full time teaching assistant. The teacher will get to know your child well and be your first and most informed point of contact with the school. All teachers have an open-door policy, are available at the beginning and the end of each day and are contactable by email; endeavouring to respond as soon as practically possible.

“I love how open the school is to parents, the communication is brilliant.” – A parent

The whole Froebelian Family is actively involved in supporting parents and carers. This collaboration is crucial for ensuring that pupils receive the best possible support and guidance throughout their educational journey.

The House System
All pupils are members of one of four houses: Norman, Stuart, Tudor and Windsor. which brings pupils together from across the age groups and builds a sense of belonging. The house system helps to develop confidence and participation through a range of events including our Spring Festival, Sports’ Days, a range of competitions and the weekly House Cup Award.

Medical and Pastoral Support
Our staff have regular First Aid training, ten of whom are trained in paediatric First Aid and an additional two people who are trained in Adult First Aid.

Keeping Children Safe is Everyone’s Responsibility.
We recognise that pastoral care for every pupil encompasses a duty to keep them safe and we are committed to embedding safeguarding into every aspect of school life. Read more here.

As a Christian-based, non-denominational school, The Froebelian Family celebrates uniqueness.
Through our pastoral structure, as well as our programmes for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE), we help support every child to become a valuable member of society. We help pupils understand themselves and others, and show them how to develop a personal code of morals that reflect an understanding of fundamental British values.
These are underpinned by school assemblies and embed the values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Pupil voice is at the centre of our pastoral care. Pupils have a safe, caring environment here at Froebelian. It’s a place where they feel respected and listened to by all adults. Children also have a Form Teacher who develops warm relationships with each child and their parents on a day-to-day basis.

The sense of community at Froebelian is second to none and we value our place in our local community, too. The school selects a chosen charity each year to support through a range of fundraising activities as well as supporting local community events and national charity days. This often inspires the children to develop their own fundraising initiatives which are supported by the whole school community.

Healthy for Life
Nutrition plays a vital part in the happiness and well-being of the whole Froebelian Family. Chef Matty creates a healthy choice of meals, with hot and cold options including a salad bar and fresh fruit. Our curriculum includes regular sport for every child each week, in addition to the many co-curricular clubs offered before and after school and at lunchtimes.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities
Froebelian offers a broad and varied experience where our pupils can flourish. Pupils are encouraged to step outside their comfort zone and take risks in a safe and supportive environment whilst nurturing good relationships throughout the whole Froebelian Family and beyond.  All children have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities ranging from weekly clubs, visiting speakers, workshops, theatre visits, themed days, day trips and residential experiences.  Read more here.