The Happiness Project

Mrs Stratford and a team of staff have been busy preparing a special focused week of activities exploring the importance of peace and happiness in maintaining a healthy mind. Our ‘Happiness Project’ week will take place on 11-15 March and will encompass lots of activities and opportunities to reflect on how we can take charge of our health and mental well-being.

The mental health of today’s generation of children is regularly mentioned in the press with charities such as Childline reporting increased calls from children struggling with mental health issues (Childline Annual Review). Research from Place2Be, a children’s mental health charity, indicates that more than half (56%) of children and young people say they worry “all the time” about at least one thing to do with their school life, home life or themselves.

School has a duty of care to equip children at Froebelian with the skills, tools and support to manage their mental and emotional well-being. We need to help them develop their resilience to face challenges with a positive mindset but also to create a ‘safe to fail’ environment and signpost where to go when they find things difficult.